News That Turns You Upside Down… or Not

I started a new journey this past month.

A journey that would take an ordinary day with an ordinary girl and be used in an extraordinary way. Praise God.

If I have learned anything about his whole adventure so far, it is the fact that God must receive all the praise in all circumstances. On this Earth, we are called to glorify Him through our words, actions, and thoughts.

We are human.

We are selfish people.

It is the last thing within us to give glory to someone else, yet that is the very thing that we must humble ourselves to. “God’s purpose in this was that we should praise God and give glory to him for doing these mighty things for us, who were the first to trust in Christ.” Galatians 1:12 (TLB)

I did not know the outcome of the news I would hear this past month. I did not know whether the tumor would be benign or not (Praise God I did find out it was BENIGN), but I did know one thing… that I serve an amazing heavenly Father. He is comforting. He is peace. He is constant. He is always there for me and is always there for YOU. There is no reason to question, doubt, or even worry. He wants to hold on to all of that for you. You must allow him to do so. Why fill yourself with tomorrow’s worry? Why hold on to the negative when we are given so much more than that on this planet? There are far greater things to embrace. Choose to hold onto those.

This was a prayer that I continued to pray before I heard the great outcome… these words are still words I continue to try and live out daily.

“Lord, you know my heart. No matter what happens in all of this and the days to come, may you receive all the glory and praise through EVERYTHING. For even in the moments of difficulty, I pray that YOU may be lifted high. May others come to know you through all of this. May you be able to continue to whisper your desires for my heart so that I may be able to serve you more and more abundantly each day.”